Winter Solstice
The 8 Sabbaths, is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals consisting of the year's solstices and equinoxes and the midpoints (cross quarter days). They are marker points to help remind us we are part of nature, mother earth AND the cosmos. The 7 Universal Principles helps the thinking mind and the intuitive mind ground and create from a more conscious awareness of time, space, dimensions, consequences and how the cosmos works. The Noble Eightfold Path is a practical tool to implement and assist in living a healthier, happier life in the physical/material world of everyday living with a greater innerstanding of how to live your life.
There are many paths on the spiritual healing journey. No one way is wrong and no one is right. Hence Mystic Pathways.
An Initiate's Path has been my practice and will continue to be my practice with deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all the teachers, guides and initiates before me, with me and after me.
And So It Begins....

“Sabbaths” -
Also known as the Wheel of the Year, is not only a spiritual practice but a practical practice that connects you back in with nature, earth and the age old cycle of seasons.
The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, consisting of the year's main solar events and the midpoints between them. Solstices and Equinoxes are the main solar events and the midpoints or cross quarter days are the start of the seasons and begin midway point between the solstices and the equinoxes.
Please note these Sabbaths are relative to living in the southern hemisphere. For the norther hemisphere they need to be swapped.
As this is a natural calendar, the Wheel of the Year does not begin on the 1st January, but rather the beginning of Winter and flows from there. To find the exact date the solstices, equinoxes and cross quarter days will fall on, besides the traditional days, please check this link for details:

"The Kybalion.” -
“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open” The Kybalion, is a study of the Hermetic Philosophy. “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding” – The Kybalion.
Studying and applying the 7 Principles of the Hermetic Philosophy is like comprehending the Universe at a sub atomic level. The Laws behind the Principles help us to walk through life forewarned. It is a guide on how to change at a fundamental level, not just a surface level. The alchemical process of change, the transmutation of matter.
The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows: The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, The Principle of Gender.
“The Noble EightFold Path” -

The Buddhist Path for the Cessation of Suffering, and the fourth of The Four Noble Truths. The application guide for living a spiritually purposeful life. The Eightfold Path, although referred to as steps on a path, is not meant as a sequential learning process, but as eight aspects of life, all of which are to be integrated in every day life.
The Eightfold path consists of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
June 21st ~ 22nd
Winter Solstice / Alban Arthan / Yule
Mentalism Principle
Right Thought
This Sabbath:

Winter Solstice / Alban Arthan / Yule
Solstice means ‘standstill’.
For a few days every year the sun appears to rise and set in the same place.
Traditionally the date for Winter Solstice is 21st/22nd June. Astronomically it can vary. To check the actual astronomical time solstice and equinox please click this link:
That night when even Earth’s very breath seems to falter in the face of the overpowering darkness. Then, from this night onwards and with such subtlety, the sun begins the long journey towards the opposite pole, and all creation begins to exhale. A cycle of new life can begin once again. But it only appears as if the sun begins the long journey, when in reality it is Earth that is turning on her axis, coming full circle yet again. Turning furthest from the sun, light plunging into darkness only to start moving forward yet again into the light... Gaia going through her cycles of death and rebirth that all of nature understands and obeys.
The nature of Winter Solstice may evoke within us a deep sense of loss and a letting go of what no longer has endured. It has been a journey into aspects of ourselves that we were ready to see and change. And if not, that’s ok, they will be back around again.
With the turning of Earth’s axis turns towards the sun, we too start to turn toward the light, the sun’s rays of hope and faith. Winter Solstice marks the time where we begin to think about preparing the soil to plant the seed both literally and metaphorically.
Spiritually, we can use this next 6 weeks to let go of any residual crap, any last-ditch efforts of resistance and then rest! Not rest on your laurels, but rest in nurturing yourself. Start to see the why’s, what if’s and why nots!
Start dreaming and planning how you could start doing things differently to get that result you are looking for.

Raking the Sand…
At Winter Solstice we are at a pivotal time of clearing and intention setting. The past 6 weeks gave us an opportunity to let go of old ways and unmet expectations. Now we have an opportunity during the next 6 weeks to refine and define new ways and openness to fresh opportunities.
Take this time to sit in meditation, raking the sand, allowing stillness to enter to see, hear, feel, dream your way forward.
Raking the Sand ~ a form of meditation with the intent to imitate the intimate essence of nature, not its actual appearance, and the true meaning of life. Keeping your connection to your environment, nature, aids in connecting to yourself. It is in those times you may come face to face with yourself. And with an inquisitive mind you may hear that which needs hearing to either heal, let go of, embody or follow. And I see ‘raking the sand’ as a reminder of connecting back in with your inner voice, the voice that speaks from above all things… and it never ceases to humble me the feeling of peace when I am in nature.
Winter Solstice is such a time of going within and listening, not to the monkey mind dribble that seeks to inflate, but the heart of your soul, the part of you that dreams and connects you to all that is around you.
The Kybalion:

The Principle of Mentalism
“THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” – The Kybalion.
THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”; “Energy”; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT.” – The Kybalion.
This Principle helps us understand that the “universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the MIND OF the all , IN WHICH Mind we “live and move and have our being”.
The Mental nature of the Universe, easily explains all the varied mental and psychic phenomena that defy 'scientific' testing. 'Consciousness', the phenomena that makes you YOU, cannot be scienced. This is the master key that unlocks many doors to the mental and psychic temple of knowledge. This is the underpinning Principle [Mentalism] in comprehending and applying the remaining 6 Universal Principles.
By understanding this principle we may use this as the dream seed for manifestation. Sit with thoughts around this principle being the basis for entering the deep void of Winter, the clearing and the dreaming. Where we dream of the seeds we wish to plant come spring.
Our thoughts set up the meaning/s we attach to our experiences. Those thoughts create a frequency, a vibration, that resonates out to the cosmos, then like an echo, reflects back to us by the feedback loop our experiences. Like attracts like. Fear attracts fear. Victim attracts victimisation. By mastering our mental processes and intentions we can create a different experience. The Thought plants the seed.
As humans, our brains are literally divided in two, physically completely separate. The left hemisphere is known as the 'thinking' brain. The right hemisphere is known as the 'intuitive' brain. It is the spinal cord that physically connects these two separate hemispheres. Yet they interface 24 7. The left hemisphere assists your physical body interface with the physical/material 3D world, whereas the right hemisphere assist your physical body interface with the unseen/intuitive worlds. When we are applying this Universal Principle it is vital to keep in mind these two separate brains and learn to balance them. And not come predominantly from one or the other excessively.
Keep your connection to your environment and the natural world, as it assists in connecting to yourself. It is in those times you may come face to face with yourself. And with an inquisitive mind you may hear that which needs hearing to either heal, let go of, embody or follow. Connecting back in with your inner voice, the voice that speaks from above all things.

The Noble EightFold Path:

Right Thought
The Buddhist Path for the Cessation of Suffering, and the fourth of The Four Noble Truths. The application guide for living a spiritually purposeful life. The Eightfold Path, although referred to as steps on a path, is not meant as a sequential learning process, but as eight aspects of life, all of which are to be integrated in every day life.
The Eightfold path consists of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
Seeing the 8 Rights as a guiding light along the path to self-mastery. As a tool to remind us to come back into balance, knowing and direction.
Right Thought also known as Right Intent, is the second branch of the Noble Eightfold Path.
Right View (the first branch of the Noble Eightfold Path) reminds us to always remember there is a bigger picture at play. Right Thought reminds us to always be mindful for it is our thoughts, whether conscious or unconscious, that creates our experiences and reality – suffering or cessation of suffering.
The Thought plants the seed.
By choosing Right Thought/Intent you choose to not only commit to a lifestyle of self-improvement and ethical conduct but to apply it. In this, the commitment, you actually plant the seeds of happiness.
The meaning of intent differs slightly to the meaning of intention. Intention often suggests mere ambition to achieve something, whereas intent often suggests the application of reason to actually achieve it. A clue to the distinction is that the words usually take different prepositions: intention takes to (think “to-do list”) or of, whereas intent takes on or upon.
Another way to look at “Right Intentions” is as the aspiration to create greater happiness, wisdom, and well-being, and relieve suffering. Where as “Right Intent” is the application in manifesting happiness, wisdom, well-being and the relief of suffering through living a lifestyle of self-improvement and ethical conduct.
Weaving them all together...
Realising that the universe is MENTAL, and right intent/thought is the practice, that they are both the creator and createe of our experiences: Mind and Intention. What are you intentions for your life and experiences?
We most certainly play THE major role in the dramas and stories of our lives, it is time to own that role that we do play and have a say in how that role plays out.
Winter Solstice, the void of winter where we dream of the seeds we wish to make manifest, is an ideal time to apply the Universal Principles of Mentalism and the Path of Right Intent to seed powerful positive changes in the coming turn of The Wheel. Where we begin applying these principles by conscious awareness, choice and application.
Right Intent assists to remind us not only for this Sabbath, practice and Soul Star Crafting but as the framework for the initiate's path. As a reminder of what actual intent is driving our action? And an important way to remember is: where focus goes, energy flows, reality grows, results show.
There is no-one else thinking our thoughts or voicing our narratives attached to our memories, traumatic or otherwise. Begin to create a practice each day of either journalling or inner reflecting on where you are at and what Thoughts may need reconciling, correcting or changing. Learn to pause and listen. Practice checking in with your Thoughts to see where you may need to view things from a higher point of view.
Right Intent assists in adjusting your thoughts so that your vibration is a match for the seeds ready for planting.
Mim WhiteWind

Links to further your study and knowledge: