In sharing the meaning and changes of the Months, it is my hope that it plants seeds of awareness, that the calendar we currently live by is only a marking tool for mankind. It is not a true reflection of our planets natural calendar. Remember we are part of nature not apart from nature.
September is now the ninth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
September (from Latin septem, "seven") was originally the seventh of ten months in the oldest known Roman calendar, the calendar of Romulus c. 750 BC, with March (Latin Martius) the first month of the year until perhaps as late as 451 BC.
After the calendar reform that added January and February to the beginning of the year, September became the ninth month but retained its name. It had 29 days until the Julian reform, which added a day.
The September equinox takes place in this month, and certain observances are organised around it. It is the Autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Vernal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The dates can vary from 21 September to 24 September.
Welcome to September 2024
Spring has well and truly sprung. But, for some of us Spring officially began on the 1st August, Imbolc.
We can see the daylight hours are longer, the air is slightly warmer and moods are lifting along with the disappearance of winter.
For most, much was experienced and learned over the winter months, and many blessings for those lessons successfully navigated through.
It is time now for the integration of what was learned during the winter months. A time for shaking off the heaviness that was experienced and putting into action the answers that were found. Bring to the light the dark emotions, so that they may be transcended. During our healing periods we learn so much about ourselves and the wounds our ego has managed to hide so well for so long.
But what we learn we must not hide as well either. For what is the use of knowing and still not doing, thinking, feeling or being any different? Now is your chance to have courage and faith to look at yourself with new eyes, open heart and loads of compassion to start manifesting the change you want to see in the world.
Two of Swords - September Tarot
Key word: Rational
Element: Air
Plane: Mental
Area: Thoughts
The Sword with its double cutting edge is a fitting image for the ambivalent power of the mind, which can penetrate the darkest and most incomprehensible objects and situations with its keenness, yet which can also cut and wound and sever with its inflexible edge.
With the suit of Swords, think of ACTION, because Swords are the act.
Swords often indicate struggle, because of the difficulties man has to move through in order to turn a THOUGHT into a reality, ACTION.
The key words for Swords are ACTION, MOVEMENT, STRUGGLE, and KEENNESS. When there are many Swords in a reading it shows tremendous activity, agitation or acceleration, because Swords are the last stages of effort before the final result.
Two ~ Indecision, Refusal to Face a Situation, Stalemate, Balance
Signifies an impasse, in which nothing can either move forward or change. Great tension in a situation and an uneasy balance between two equal but opposing forces.
To overcome feeling trapped one must be willing to face their fears.
You are at crossroads. Take a break from usual way of thinking and consider alternatives. Once you make a move the way forward will become clearer.
Introduction: The 2 of Swords is often a card about partnership and balance. It usually refers to a "partnership" with just one other person as opposed to with groups of people. This card shows a need for give and take (none of us are always right 100% of the time, and everyone to some degree has something to offer.)
General: In general the 2 of Swords tells us that your partnerships are likely to be going at least somewhat well, whether these be friendships, romantic, or business. However, you should consider the depths of your commitment to equality in these and whether or not you are being treated as an equal by your partners.
Work: You may be stuck waiting on a decision that has to be made by other people. Try to be patient and refrain from pushing people to move before they are ready. Make sure you have done what you are supposed to do work wise, and if you haven't, figure out how to explain and/or make amends, as you are likely to be called to account.
Love: Your relationship may move into a lighter, easier, more balanced phase, with treating each other as equals playing a major role. If you are looking for love, take a good hard look at yourself to see if you have any outstanding emotional issues that need to be dealt with FIRST. Do not look outside yourself for happiness.
Finances: Make sure you know where you are money-wise, to the penny. Hiding from issues will not solve them. If you need extra income, know that you can make it happen, you'll just need to be creative. The easiest thing to do is probably to cut your expenses. What are you spending that is not an absolute necessity?
Health: When this card appears in the context of health questions, it signifies a need to pay very close attention to one's emotions. How are you feeling about things/people in your life? Journal and/or talk things out with someone you trust is very important now and can lead to a healthier outcome/to health breakthroughs.
Spirituality: When the 2 appears in relation to questions regarding spirituality, it shows that you are on a more balanced and positive path than you realise. Hold fast to what you believe and how you see things, even if your system doesn't work for everyone.
Forget Me Not - September Flower
The Forget Me Not flower got its name after a Greek word Myositis which actually meant mouse’s ear. The name Forget Me Not came from the German word vergissmichnicht which means 'forget me not'.
In lore the Forget Me Not is associated with remembrance in relationships, particularly of a love that transcends death. The flower essence soul qualities are analogous, uplifting the soul to a higher, spiritual perspective when suffering a loss, but not letting us get lost in watery emotion. Forget Me Not flowers have a few other symbolic meanings:
True love; Represents true love and giving someone this flower means you truly love and respect this person. This beautiful flower might not the as elegant as a rose flower, but it has a strong meaning that overcomes its appearance and size.
Fidelity; A symbol of fidelity and being truthful to someone you love. This flower is going to tell your loved one that you are faithful and that you don’t have an intention to hurt this person.
Long-lasting connection; Represents long lasting connections that can exist between not only lovers, but also friends. This flower is telling you that there is a strong connection between you and the person who is gifting you this this flower.
Remembering someone; A flower you give to someone when you don’t want this person to forget about you. This flower is a beautiful reminder that someone is special in your life and that this person deserves to be respected.
Another message behind the Forget Me Not Flower is the message of never forgetting the people you love and to always show them how you feel.
Sometimes we forget to tell the people we love how much we care and how dear they are to us.
Sapphire - September Birth Stone
Mind: Sapphire is exceptional for calming and focusing the mind, allowing the release of mental tension and unwanted thoughts. It encourages opening the mind to beauty and intuition, bringing lightness and joy and restores balance within the body. Sapphire frees us from our “inner prisons” and psychic suffering that can cause us to shut down emotionally. It can be an effective aid in treatments for neuroses or even psychosis. Sapphire releases depression and lightens the mood.
Body: Blue Sapphire assists in healing all parts of the body and soothes insomnia.
Long used as a curative for eye infections and improving eyesight, Blue Sapphire is also used to relieve headaches, fever, nosebleeds, and issues of the ears, including hearing, infection, inner-ear imbalances and vertigo. Blue Sapphire is beneficial to the thyroid, swollen glands and in treating problems related to speech and communication. It is also considered helpful to the nervous system, and in treating blood disorders, dementia, and degenerative diseases.
Spirit: Use Blue Sapphire to stay on your spiritual path, and for assistance in matters of self discipline, whether routine daily tasks or actions requiring extreme focus. It helps during times of change to maintain clear vision of where it is you want to go and how to get there. Blue Sapphire assists those who are easily swayed by the opinions of others. It promotes a fuller understanding of the self, and assists one in becoming more secure in their own opinions and knowledge, and in expressing those truths to others.
The Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favour. It is forever associated with sacred things and considered the gem of gems, a jewel steeped in the history and lore of nearly every religion. To the ancient and medieval world, Sapphire of heavenly blue signified the height of celestial hope and faith, and was believed to bring protection, good fortune and spiritual insight. It was a symbol of power and strength, but also of kindness and wise judgement.
As a talisman, Sapphire was thought to preserve chastity, discover fraud and treachery, protect its wearer from poison, plague, fever and skin diseases, and had great power in resisting black magic and ill-wishing. It healed ailments of the eyes, increased concentration, and would lose luster if worn by an intemperate or impious person.
Today Sapphire is still a Stone of Wisdom, a royal stone of learning, mental acuity and psychic activation, a seeker after spiritual truth. Its pure Blue Ray brings order and healing to the mind, lending strength and focus, and an ability to see beneath surface appearances to underlying truths and to utilize that knowledge. It stimulates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, allowing one to access deeper levels of consciousness in order to gain a fuller understanding of self. Associated with the planet Saturn, Blue Sapphire embraces order, structure, and self-discipline, and is ideal for accomplishing goals and manifesting ideas into form. Sapphire’s power to transmute negative thoughts and energy also makes it highly effective for earth and chakra healing.
Echidna - September Spirit Animal
Key word for Echidna is Further Investigation.
Echidna teaches us the value of focusing on the little things. Paying attention to the small details in areas of finance, relationships, our home, or anywhere, can make the bigger picture that much more successful and nourishing. Take the time to look closely at the matters around you.
As well as looking at the little things, there is something in your life at the moment which requires further investigation. It's time to dig a little deeper. This might be through research, conversation, chasing up leads or simply meditating or spending time ruminating on an issue until 'it' comes to you. Echidna energy is valuable for helping us to scrutinise problems that - up until now - have been mysterious or difficult to understand. Echidna gives you the tools and power to not only look beneath the surface, but tunnel deeply into your problems and thoughts and find nourishment from what you find there.
Echidna teaches you to remain grounded at all times, even when you are sailing through the lands of your creative imagination, coming up with new ideas and plans to make your life happier and healthier.
Echidna energy is strong, and lends power to ritual, meditation, and 'everyday' endeavours. Echidna energy is not so much protective, as it is empowering, teaching us how to stand up for ourselves and how to stay our ground.
You could be learning detachment by not taking negative issues personally. You could be feeling hypersensitive or vulnerable, overcoming past hurts or releasing anger to allow you to go into the deeper chambers of the heart to be able to trust again.
Echidna allows you to see more clearly and to master your internal emotions or current situation.
You may need to protect yourself emotionally and energetically – not by attacking a person or situation, but by having the ability and will power to remove yourself from conflict and power issues.
Echidna’s quills bring through protection, in the form of self-defence, when you are being personally attacked, Echidna allows you to disconnect from energy plays with compassion and understanding.
Echidna Symbolic Meanings Key
Primitive wisdom
Focusing on the little things
Remaining grounded at all times
Digging deeper & look beneath the surface
Technology and electricity & Power
Further investigation & Scrutiny
Sifting through old thought patterns for nourishment
The Shadow Aspects:
You may find that you're flighty, and at this stage in your life frequently have your head in the clouds. Your dreaming and ideas or idealism are stopping you from living your life in a way that is as meaningful and healthy as it could be. Echidna encourages you to stop dreaming, and to start 'doing.'
You may also avoid confronting old habits and thought patterns that are not only hurting yourself, but others too. This may be in dysfunctional relationships between your partner, friends, work colleagues or general acquaintances. Place your habits under some scrutiny and be honest, let echidna help you to see what you need to change.